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Cruce Fronterizo Antelope Wells
Antelope Wells

( American side)

Cruce Fronterizo Antelope Wells
El Berrendo

(Mexican side)


Palomas´s office

Border Crossing Antelope Wells / El Berrendo

This crossing is one of three New Mexico crosses and is located between Antelope Wells, Nuevo México on the American side and El Berrendo, Chihuahua in Mexico. This is the crossing that receives the least traffic of all the crossings between Mexico and the United States. 


US Customs and Border Protection. Antelope Wells Port of Entry 

( American side) Antelope Wells, Nuevo Mexico

 Antelope Wells Border Crossing Map

Instituto Nacional de Migración  – El Berrendo. 

( Mexican side) El Berrendo, Chihuahua

 Antelope Wells Border Crossing Map

Banjercito Border Office near Antelope Wells / El Berrendo

At this crossing  there is not  a Banjercito Border Office, the closest one is in the Colón crossing at the Palomas office.
Banjercito Offices

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