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Cruce Fronterizo Antelope Wells
Sásabe AZ

( American side)

Cruce Fronterizo Antelope Wells
Sásabe Sonora

( Mexican side)


Km 21 Nogales´s Office

Border Crossing Sásabe AZ / Sásabe Sonora

This crossing is located between Sásabe, Arizona in the United States and Sásabe, Sonora in Mexico. On the American side, it connects with SR 286 and Carretera Sásabe – Sáric Internacional on the Mexican side. This crossing is the least traveled in Arizona. 


CBP – Port of Entry 

(American side) Sasabe, Arizona

Border Crossing Sásabe Map

México  Customs Office – Sásabe Sonora 

(Mexican side) Sásabe, Sonora

Border Crossing Sásabe Map

Banjercito Border Office near Sásabe / Sásabe Sonora

At this crossing there is no Banjercito border office, the closest one is at Km 21 Nogales.
Banjercito Offices

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