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Border Crossings Texas-Tamaulipas II



Here you will find all the border crossings between the state of Texas, United States and the state of Tamaulipas, Mexico. Click on the link for each crossing to access detailed information. You can also click on the map of each crossing to view the details.


Border Crossings Texas-Tamaulipas II

Hidalgo, Puente Internacional McAllen-Hidalgo-Reynosa The crossing is on the Hidalgo-ReynosaI International Bridge between the city of Hidalgo, Texas in the United States and Reynosa, Tamaulipas in Mexico.


Border Crossings Texas-Tamaulipas II

Pharr, Puente Internacional Pharr-Reynosa The crossing is on the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge between the city of Pharr, Texas in the United States and Reynosa, Tamaulipas in Mexico.


Border Crossings Texas-Tamaulipas II

Donna, Puente Internacional Donna-Rio Bravo The crossing is on the Donna-Rio Bravo International Bridge between the city of Donna, Texas in the United States and Rio Bravo, Tamaulipas in Mexico.


Cruces Fronterizos Texas-Tamaulipas II

Progreso, Puente Internacional Nuevo Progreso The crossing is on the Nuevo Progreso International Bridge between the city of Progreso, Texas in the United States and Nuevo Progreso (in the municipality of Rio Bravo), Tamaulipas in Mexico.


Cruces Fronterizos Texas-Tamaulipas II

Los Indios, Puente Internacional Lucio Blanco The crossing is on thePuente Internacional Lucio Blanco between the city of Donna, Texas in the United States and Matamoros, Tamaulipas in Mexico.


Brownsville, Puente Internacional Brownsville y Matamoros

Brownsville, Puente Internacional Brownsville y Matamoros The crossing is on the Brownsville-Matamoros International Bridge between the city of Brownsville, Texas in the United States and Matamoros, Tamaulipas in Mexico


Cruce Fronterizo Gateway, Puente Internacional Puerta de Mexico, Puente Nuevo

Gateway, Puente Internacional Puerta de México, Puente Nuevo The crossing is  on the Gateway International Bridge between the city of Brownsville, Texas in the United States and Matamoros, Tamaulipas  in Mexico.


 Los Tomates, Puente Internacional Veteranos, Puente Ignacio Zaragoza

Los Tomates, Puente Internacional Veteranos, Puente Ignacio Zaragoza The crossing is  on the Veterans International Bridge between the city of Brownsville, Texas  in the United States and Matamoros, Tamaulipas in Mexico.


Other Border Crossings