To Do List before traveling to México.
- Take your IDs with pictures
- Keep track of your vehicle.
- Check that your vehicle is in good condition to travel long distances.
- Change your dollars to pesos.
- Take the directions of your destination and / or a map.
- Carry more than one copy of your insurance policy, title or registration of your vehicle.
- Take the TEMPORARY IMPORT PERMIT if you processed it in advance.
- DO NOT forget your MEXICAN AUTO INSURANCE POLICY for México ! Quote and buy here
- Make sure your vehicle registration and license are current. Your vehicle can be confiscated and transferred to the municipal warehouse if your documents are not valid.
- Buy Mexican AUTO insurance or check if your insurance is current.
- Take two copies of your policy of Mexican auto insurance, one for you and one inside your car.
- Take a copy of your vehicle registration and keep the copy in your car and the original with you. In case of theft of your vehicle, this will make it easier for you to process the claim.
- Never leave original documents in your vehicle.
Customs Office of México
When driving to Mexico you should know that there are two kinds of lanes through which you can cross the border. The lane “ Nada que declarar” (Nothing to declare) and the “ Carril de Declaración” (Declaration Lane). It is important that you be alert to the signs once you approach the border to choose the correct lane when crossing.
Lane of “Nada que Declarar”
Allows persons to enter Mexico without having to declare, the following:
- Your personal luggage according to the duration of your stay in Mexico.
- Items that do not exceed $ 300 dollars per person.
Items allowed in the Customs of Mexico as personal luggage.
- Personal items, new or used, such as clothing, shoes, toiletries, in amounts according to your travel stay, (obviously not for sale).
- Photo and video camera and charger, 12 rolls for the camera, blank cartridges, or videocables, cell phone, radio, a pair of binoculars, typewriter, a new or used laptop. (You must also be aware of the re-entry requirements of United States Customs as respects bringing a laptop and other high-valued items back to the United States)
- Two sports items , for example two rackets.
- Portable recorder.
- Five laser discs, five DVDs, 20 CDs or cassets.
- Books and magazines in quantities that are obviously not for sale.
- Medicine for your personal use. In case of controlled medicine bring the prescription with you: Note: Be careful not to bring a large quantity of your medications. There have been some Americans who unfortunately imprisoned were imprisoned for violating the law regarding prescription drugs.
- Baggage needed to transport personal items.
- A musical instrument.
- Camping tent and camping equipment.
- Surfboard or windsurfing board.
- Personal items that a disabled person uses.
- 20 packs of cigars, 25 cigars or 200 grams of tobacco, if you are of legal age.
- 3 liters of wine, beer or liquor if you are of legal age.
- Up to $ 10,000 dollars or its equivalent in another currency, national or foreign checks, and / or other monetary instruments.
You also have the right to bring other items equivalent to $ 75 dollars free of declaration per person. If traveling with other members of the family, the amount accumulates. It is advisable to take the receipts of the items you are carrying so as not to have any mishap. If your items exceed $ 75 you will have to declare them and pay the taxes pertaining to that excess.
Green or Red traffic light
When crossing the “Nada que Declarar” lane you will find a traffic light that will show you a green light or a red light when you are crossing the lane. The green light tells you that you can follow your path freely, unless an officer tells you to step aside for a review. The red light tells you that you must stop at the customs area for an inspection.
At the time of crossing, wait your turn and keep a reasonable distance in front of the vehicle ahead to avoid any confusion at the traffic light and there is the possibility of being sent to an inspection.
Customs Inspection
If you are selected for inspection, you must go to the customs facilities. There, they will carry out a quick inspection, with the purpose of finding something that was not previously stated. Usually they check the trunk and take a look inside the vehicle. If you do not declare something you should have declared, you must pay the required taxes, or you risk confiscation of the goods. The officers are friendly and it is recommended that you treat them kindly and with respect.
Declaration Lane
In the case of carrying items with a value greater than $ 75 dollars without exceeding $ 1000 dollars, you must declare the items and cross through the declaration lane and stop at the customs office where you will pay according to what you have declared. The officers will indicate the amount of taxes payable and you may pay with national currency or dollars.
Important Notes you should know
- Weapons are illegal in Mexico. You are not allowed to cross the border with a weapon or ammunition. If you do, you will be imprisoned despite not having knowledge of the Law.
- If you carry more than $ 10,000 dollars or its equivalent in another currency, or documents for that amount, you must declare it to the Mexican Customs Office, if you do not do so it is a crime.
- You must declare if you carry animals, agricultural products, medicine that is not for your personal use.
Border Crossings US to Mexico
Here you can consult information such as location, hours, telephones and more of all Border Crossings US to Mexico.