I travel by car to the Baja California Peninsula, do I need an Import Permit for my vehicle?
No, the entire Baja California peninsula is considered part of the Free Transit Zone in Baja and Sonora for foreign vehicles owned by foreign tourists or Mexican residents abroad who visit Mexico by car
I travel by car to Sonora, do I need an Import Permit for my vehicle?
According to an agreement between the government of the state of Sonora and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, the free circulation in the Free Transit Zone in Sonora is granted to foreign vehicles owned by foreign tourists or Mexicans residing abroad, who can circulate freely through the Northwest of the State of Sonora, without the need for any type of a temporary Import Permit. The area of the Free Transit Zone in Sonora includes:
- Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point)
- Guaymas
- Empalme
- Hermosillo
- Magdalena
- Imuris
- Agua Prieta
- Naco
- Nogales
- Cananea
- San Luis Rio Colorado
- Golfo de Santa Clara
- El Desemboque
- Puerto Libertad
- Punta Chueca
- Bahia de Kino
- Kino Nuevo
- Pilares
- Benjamín Hill
- Magdalena de Kino
- PE Calles
- Caborca
- Pitiquito
- Altar
- Oquitoa
- Atíl Municipality
- Tubutama
- Saríc
- Sasabe
- Sonoyta
- Los Vidrios
- Puerto Peñasco (Rocky Point)
- Bahia de Kino
- San Carlos
Recreational Vehicles
In the event that the car transports recreational vehicles (motorcycles, trimotos, ATVs, jet skis, that are not to circulate on the general communication routes, or a boat of up to 4 and a half meters in length), you will not be able to use the vehicle. benefit of the free zone and it will be necessary to request a temporary import permit in any of the CIITEV modules located at the customs entry to Mexico, where you must register the units (maximum 3 recreational vehicles), complying with the requirements.
Temporary vehicle import permit “Only Sonora”
To drive with the foreign vehicle to the rest of the territory of the state of Sonora and as long as it does not go beyond the limits of the state, you must process a Temporary Import Permit “Only Sonora”
For more Information
For more details of the municipalities of the state of Sonora that are part of the free zone, visit the government page Only Sonora Program. You can also view the Map of the Free Transit Zone
Zona Libre de Transito en Baja y Sonora
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