Regionalisms in Guadalajara. Get to know some of the most used tapatías words in this beautiful city.
Regionalisms in Guadalajara have a rich variety of phrases or words that are used daily by people from Guadalajara. Here we present you some of the best known and used regionalisms in Guadalajara that can help you to better understand the talks with the people of this beautiful city when you visit it.
Gusguear : It is their way of saying “eat a snack”.
- “A mis hijos les gusta gusguear doritos después de salir de la escuela.” (My children like to eat doritos after leaving school)
- “Es imposible dejar de gusguear en la feria del pueblo con tanta comida mexicana.” (It is impossible to stop eating at the town fair with so much Mexican food)
Edá : It’s their way of asking right?
- “Lucha, ¿Edá que la esposa de Don Jacinto esta en el hospital?”, ( Is it true that Don Jacinto’s wife is in the hospital?)
- “Mami, ¿Edá que mi papá nos prometio llevarnos al cine el sábado? “. (Didn’t my dad promise to take us to the movies on Saturday?)
Arre : It is their way of saying that it is okay or agrees with something.
- “Entonces llámame esta noche – Arre, te llamo ” (So call me tonight – okay, I’m calling)
- “¿vienes con nosotros al bule esta noche? Arre.” (Are you coming with us to the bar tonight? yes)
Chato: It’s their way of referring to a bus or truck on public transportation.
- “Mañana no circula mi coche, me toca tomar un chato al trabajo”. (Tomorrow my car does not circulate, I have to take a bus to work)
- “no me gusta irme en un chato al trabajo cuando no tengo carro, hago mas tiempo y llego tarde”. (I don’t like to go to work on a bus when I don’t have a car, I spend more time and I’m late)
Hacer desatinar: it is their way of saying “making someone angry or crazy”
- “Mi hijo siempre me hace desatinar cuando no lo llevo al mercado“. (My son always makes me crazy when I don’t take him to the market)
- “Pedro, No me hagas desatinar solo porque no quiero ir contigo“. (Pedro, don’t make me lose my mind just because I don’t want to go with you)
Ajerar: it is his way of referring “annoy someone”.
- “A los chicos ya borrachos les da por ajerar a otros“. (Boys already drunk give it to bother others)
- “No me estes ajerando, ya te dije que NO“. (Don’t bother me, I already told you NO)
Atareado: It is their way of saying that he is busy and has many things to do.
- “No he podido llamarte esta semana porque he estado muy atareado en el trabajo.” (I was unable to call you this week because I have been very busy at work)
- “Mi jefe me trae muy atareado con el proyecto nuevo”. (My boss brings me very busy with the new project)
Birote : it is his way of referring to a particular bread called “bolillo”.
- “Dona Lupita, por favor tráigame tres birotes si pasa por la panadería”. (Dona Lupita, please bring me three birotes if you stop by the bakery)
- “Lisa, necesitamos comprar los birotes para la cena“. (Lisa, we need to buy the birotes for dinner)
via: eje:
Asquilín : it is his way of referring to an ant.
- “Cuando fuí al monte, me pico un asquilin en mi tobillo”. (When I went to the field, an ant bites my ankle)
- “¡Cuidado con esos asquilínes ! los puedes pisar”. (Watch out for those ants! you can step on them)
Chuchos : it is his way of referring to dogs
- “Ma, ire a pasear a los chuchos“. (Ma, I’m going to walk the dogs)
- “El chucho de Don Jacinto mordió a un niño“. (Don Jacinto’s dog bit a boy)

These are just some of the regionalisms in Guadalajara, when you visit this beautiful city of Guadalajara
Don’t forget to practice them !
(Sources: 15-expresiones-que-solo-los-tapatios-entendemos –, Palabras 100% Tapat’ias – )
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