Emergency Call in Mexico: 911
It is important that you have knowledge of how to call 911 while in Mexico in case of an emergency.
- Dial 911
- 9-1-1all emergency medical, security and civil protection attention numbers are concentrated at the federal, state and municipal levels.
- The unique number of 9-1-1 emergency calls is available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day .
- 9-1-1 is a free service that provides help through the call centers of state and municipal emergency services that exist in the country.
- Visit the website of the Mexican government for more details about Emergency Calls 911.
Suggestions Published by the Government in Mexico.
- DO NOT use headphones, they will not because the sound of the headphones does not let you know what is happening around you.
- At night, try to go out with friends or relatives..
- If you travel on public transportation, keep valuables in the inside pockets of your clothes. Do not get distracted and avoid falling sleep.
- Use well-lit and busy transportation stops.
- Bring with you only the documents that you are going to use and those that identify you.
- When using a handbag, choose the short strap model to hold it more easily.
- Have emergency telephone numbers in your area on hand.
- Visit the page of the government of Mexico for more details of this Security advice.
Suggestions from Social Networks
These recommendations are not official government issued, but they have great common sense and can prevent many bad incidents if they are applied.
- AVOID traveling on highways at night.
- AVOID going to bars and nightclubs, also to gas stations, pharmacies, etc. at night.
- GO TO SUPERMARKETS accompanied and check the cars around before going in and see if there is something suspicious.
- IF a car approaches your car very close while you are driving, DO NOT STOP, avoid it or drive in reverse.
- DO NOT LEAVE anything in your car that looks valuable: Sunglasses or Eye glasses, Bag, wallet, I-Pod, Etc.
- ALWAYS close your car when you get out and do not have your bag/purse in sight.
- CHANGE your route in the city constantly.
- At the hotel If they are going to leave an envelope or invitation, let them pass it under the door. If they need you to sign a paper, pass it under the door and then sign it.
- Always CLOSE the door or gate of your house.
- DO NOT show your economic status (wearing expensive clothing or jewelry).
- DO NOT FIGHT with anyone from car to car.
- DO NOT USE shirts with logos of your business or where you work.
- IF a car stops next to you, accelerate and GO !
Some of the emergencies that can be reported to 911
- Vehicle accidents
- Landslides
- Fallen trees
- Floods
- Fires
- Heart attacks
- Drowning
- Overdose
- Sexual abuse
- Explosions
- Electrocuted
- Gun shooting
- Homicide. Safe Stay in México
How to report an emergency?
When calling 911, keep calm and be prepared to provide information such as:
- Location of the emergency (street name, etc).
- Phone from which you are calling.
- Details of the emergency.
- Details of the injuries or symptoms of the person having the emergency.
- Follow the operator’s instructions.
- Do not hang up until instructed to do so by the operator. Safe Stay in México